
Trindade Beach

Trindade Beach


Located about 5 hours  drive from Rio de Janeiro (270 km) close to the border between the states of Rio de Janeiro and of São Paulo, is a fishing village in the municipality of Paraty with stunning beaches, craft trade and cheap restaurants with delicious typical dishes.

In the 1970s, Trindade narrowly escaped the clutches of industrial tourism, when a multinational company tried to expel residents to create a luxury spa. Today Trindade offers lovers and families a friendly local accommodation structure of quality with many pleasant hostels and reasonable prices.

Discovered by hippies in the 70s and adventurers in the 80s Trindade today receives tourists from all over the world who come attracted by its beautiful beaches: Praia do Cepilho, where surfing is practiced, Praia de Fora, Praia do Rancho, where tourists can enjoy bars and restaurants as well as bathe and practice diving, Praia do Cachadaço with a natural pool with crystal clear waters, full of fish, ideal for diving or snorkeling, Praia do Meio most frequented by tourists. Pedra da Figueira, a large slab of natural stone accessible only by trail or boat, ideal for sunbathing and diving, is known for its nudist practice. At Praia Brava, far from the village and with more difficult access, it has also become normal to practice nudism, although this is only tolerated.

Part of Trindade belongs to the beautiful Serra da Bocaina National Park where natural ecosystems with incredible biodiversity of flora and fauna are protected by the Chico Mendes Institute ICMBio. Here you can find animals threatened with extinction, such as jaguar and collared sloth and 300 species of birds. Other attractions of the park are the trail Trilha do Ouro, the waterfall Cachoeira dos Veados, the peak Pico da Bacia and the Rock Pedra da Marcela.

Pictures: Serra_da_Bocaina

            Tatanya123, CC BY-SA 4.0

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