
Serra dos Órgãos National Park

Serra dos Órgãos National Park


Located in the Brazilian state of Rio de Janeiro, the Serra dos Órgãos National Park has one of the most enchanting landscapes in Brazil. Created in 1939 and managed by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation), it is composed of a group of mountains called “Portals of Hercules”.

The Park covers the municipalities of Guapimirim, Magé, Petrópolis and Teresópolis, all belonging to the state of Rio de Janeiro, and its name was chosen because of the similarity of the vertical rock formations of around 620 million years, with the organs of old colonial Portuguese churches.

Some mountains also received their names due to religious influence: the Finger of God, the Needle of the Devil, the Finger of Our Lady, the Nose of the Nun, the Friar’s Crown and the Friar’s wart.

For those who like trails, mountaineering and beautiful sceneries, the Serra dos Órgãos National Park is a perfect place, which requires a three-day hike, being considered one of the most beautiful in Brazil.

The “Pedra do Sino” (rock of the bell), the most respected peak by climbers and mountaineers in Brazil, is the highest summit of the Park, culminating at 2,275 meters of altitude.

Pictures: Karla Paiva / Marcello Medeiros /Wagner Guido

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