
The Terras Frias Winery in Nova Friburgo

The Terras Frias Winery in Nova Friburgo


Recently, we had a tasting of fine wines at the Terras Frias Winery, a pioneer in the production of fine wines in Nova Friburgo, taking advantage of the altitude and climate of the mountainous region of Rio. Grape harvesting takes place in winter when the temperature fluctuations between day and night contribute to the ripening of the fruits. The name "Terras Frias" is a reference to the term used by the Swiss who settled in the area in the early 19th century.

With 15,000 meters of vineyards located at 1,100 meters above sea level, this project was initiated in 2016 with active participation from the family and André Guedes in management. The winemaking facility was completed in 2021, and the sale of wines began in October of the same year.

We were able to taste the three main wines and appreciate their quality. Indeed, the winery cultivates three main grape varieties: cabernet franc, chardonnay, and pinot noir. If you want to taste some very good wines in the Rio region, do not hesitate to meet the winery's team!

Vinícola Terras Frias - Campo do Coelho, Nova Friburgo - RJ, 28630-250
Phone : (22) 98106-9793
Scheduled visit through our WhatsApp : (22) 981069793

Photo : Maximilien de Bayser

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