
Boa Vista Grotto - Bahia

Boa Vista Grotto - Bahia


Located in the “sertão” area, 550 km away from Salvador, capital of the Brazilian state of Bahia, the “Toca da Boa Vista” is the largest cave in Brazil and Latin America, also considered the 13th largest in the world. It has a mapped extension of 113 km. However, the survey is not yet finished, and everything indicates that its real extent is much more considerable. A veritable underground labyrinth, it forms a maze that stretches in all directions. The “Toca da Boa Vista” as well as the surrounding caves are not open to simple touristic visitors and

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Serra Geral National Park

Serra Geral National Park


The Serra Geral National Park, founded in 1992 on the border between the Brazilian states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, is an integral unit of nature conservation. The territory of the park adjoins the Aparados da Serra National Park and forms an ecosystem of rare beauty and an important area of ??biodiversity intended for scientific, cultural and recreational purposes. The park covers an area of ??17,301.96 hectares divided between the municipalities of Jacinto Machado and Praia Grande in Santa Catarina and Cambará do Sul in Rio Grande do Sul. The nearest town is Cambará

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Mountain Rooster

Mountain Rooster


(Rupicola rupicola) – Brazilian States of Amazonas, Pará and Roraima The Cock-of-the-rock (Rupicola rupicola) lives in rugged forests interspersed with small mountain streams in the far north of Brazil, in the states of Amazonas, Pará and Roraima. It is a large bird, up to 28 cm long with pronounced sexual dimorphism: males have lush orange plumage and a prominent crescent-shaped crest, which covers the beak, while females have only a dark brown plumage with an inconspicuous crest. The mating ritual is spectacular. At the time of reproduction, the males gather on the ground to court the

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