
Parque Estadual Serra do Mar

Parque Estadual Serra do Mar


The Serra do Mar is a mountain range in Brazil that extends for approximately 1500 km, along the east / south coast from the state of Rio de Janeiro to the north of the state of Rio Grande do Sul.In the state of Rio de Janeiro, Serra do Mar receives the local name of Serra dos Órgãos, which has the highest peaks of the entire Serra do Mar, such as the Pedra do Sino de Teresópolis (2,255 meters), the Caledônia peak (2,257 meters) in Nova Friburgo, and the Três Picos de Friburgo, the culmination of the entire Serra do Mar, with 2,366 meters

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Animals from Brazil : Urutau

Animals from Brazil : Urutau


The mãe-da-lua or urutau bird (Nyctibius griseus), also known as the ghost bird, is a fascinating nocturnal bird found all over Brazil. It takes its name from the Guaraní language, where "urutau" means "bird". This bird is often associated with legends and myths because of its strange appearance and particular cry. Urutau is known for its ability to remain immobile for long periods of time, which allows it to blend perfectly into its environment. Its plumage is generally gray or brown, which allows it to camouflage itself during the day by resembling pieces of tree

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Vale da Lua

Vale da Lua


The Vale da Lua (Chapada dos veadeiros) is a spectacular tourist site with fascinating geological characteristics. Located in the state of Goiás, in the center of the country, this extraordinary landscape is known for its rock formations that resemble the lunar surface. The geological characteristics of the Vale da Lua are the result of millions of years of erosion caused by the crystal clear waters of the São Miguel River. Volcanic and crystalline rocks have been carved into countless strange shapes, creating a completely unique landscape. The rock formations have crevasses, ravines, waterfalls and natural pools, creating a spectacular

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