
Pedra do Sal - The samba round to not be missed in Rio de Janeiro !

Pedra do Sal - The samba round to not be missed in Rio de Janeiro !


For those who visit Rio de Janeiro and are looking for places to hang out and meet new people, here is a hint to visit the "Pedra do Sal" !

The Pedra do Sal carries a history that goes back to the "Colonial Brazil" in the 17th century. This place became famous because it was used as a point for loading and unloading salt. In 1600 a group of Bahians began to occupy the neighborhood and established cultivation and culture for the people who lived there, subtly changing the neighborhood and transforming it into a cradle of music, art, and culture.

Many samba schools from Rio de Janeiro emerged there, all this cultural richness transformed the Pedra do Sal into a symbol of resistance, which fights against prejudice and denial of Brazilian cultural values. 

For those who intend to visit the Museu do Amanhã (Museum of Tomorrow), the Pedra do Sal is right next door, and the best day for tourists is Monday. Stop off at Largo de São Francisco da Prainha and warm up your engines for the Samba round at Pedra do Sal. Be prepared for an underground place with a young and cool crowd that wants to enjoy a Monday without thinking too much about tomorrow !

  1. There the diversity is present, while the sambistas play in a more traditional way, on a central table and usually without a microphone, the partygoers sing in choruses the most well-known songs of the samba world. If you are willing to make new friends, you will meet people from all over the world, Africa, the United States, France, Argentina, Australia, and many more ! So if your English is sharp, get ready to travel the whole world in one night ! If not, the trip around Brazil certainly won't bring you any regrets. For the rest, just order a caipirinha and drink until you get tired.
  2. Important information :
    - As in all places in a big city like Rio de Janeiro, be aware of your belongings.
  3. - Samba on Mondays starts at 6pm. 
    - It is free.
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