
Boa Vista Grotto - Bahia

Boa Vista Grotto - Bahia


Located in the “sertão” area, 550 km away from Salvador, capital of the Brazilian state of Bahia, the “Toca da Boa Vista” is the largest cave in Brazil and Latin America, also considered the 13th largest in the world. It has a mapped extension of 113 km. However, the survey is not yet finished, and everything indicates that its real extent is much more considerable. A veritable underground labyrinth, it forms a maze that stretches in all directions.

The “Toca da Boa Vista” as well as the surrounding caves are not open to simple touristic visitors and reserved for people technically prepared to face medium to high levels of difficulty. The high internal temperature (27 - 29 ºC) hinders exploration activity and various obstacles along the route put certain sections among the most picturesque out of the reach of common tourists. Even so, many sections of the cave belong to the most spectacular among Brazilian caves and attract many adventurous explorers.

Next to the “Toca da Boa Vista” cave, there is another one, called “Toca da Barrigudinha”. Due to their respective considerable extent, neither is fully mapped, leading researchers to believe that the two caves may be only one. If this hypothesis were verified, the “Toca da Boa Vista” would become the second largest cave in the world.

Foto ONG Caactus

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